About the homilies on this site

About the Homilies found on this site:

  • This site contains homilies presented primarily by Fr. Evans Julce.

  • The homily recordings presented here begin on August 20, 2021.

  • A homily has not been recorded for each day. (This is important to note, if you are using the "Calendar" menu option of listening to the homily. If so, notice that the days containing a homily are indicated by three leading asteriks. For example, the June 19, 2022 entry contains a homily; the calendar entry is named "***Corpus Christi".)

  • All homilies are recorded in an mp3 audio format.

  • Some homilies are presented in both English and Spanish. (See next bullet for more information.)

  • Homilies are available for both the Ordinary and the Extraordinary Mass Forms. For a particular day, you might find homilies for both Mass Forms. (In this case there will be two mp3 audio recordings, one for each Mass Form. "Extraordinary" will be included in the mp3 file name to distinguish it.)

    • Ordinary Mass Form: All Homilies are presented in English and many are presented in both English and Spanish (combined into one mp3 audio recording). The Spanish homily usually follows the English one. In rare cases, the English homily follows the Spanish one. Except where just previously noted, each audio recording 1) begins with a Homily in English and 2) is sometimes followed by a Homily in Spanish and 3) always ends with the Mass Intentions in English.

    • Extraordinary Mass Form: All Homilies are presented in English only. There are no Mass Intentions in the recording.

  • You are permitted to download and share the homilies.

How to listen to the Homilies:

You will find two menu options, which provide two different ways to listen to the same recordings. Choose the method(s) which best meets your interests.

The two menu options are:

  • All Homilies – This presents the most straightforward way of accessing the library of homilies.

  • Calendar - If you want to refer to the Daily Scripture Readings or to other Spiritual Reflections for the day, then use the Calendar menu option. Note-look for calendar entries containing the three leading asterkis "***" to identify those days with homilies.

Search TIPS (You must be logged into your Google account and use the Google Calendar to perform these searches.)

  • If you are logged into your Google account, you can use the search options available on the Calendar Page: "All Homilies", "Sunday Homilies", "Extraordinary Homilies". You can continue to search in Google Calendar for areas of interest. For example, search on "Faustina" or Pio" or "Fatherhood" or "Priesthood" etc...

    • Observe how each search returns all calendar entries that meet the search criteria. Again, if the calendar entry has three leading asterisks ***, then you will find a related Homily; otherwise, you can explore the links related to the readings and reflections.